Why Buy Used Equipment?

In today's world of tight capital budgets and competitive markets, buying used can help maximize your budget allowing you to buy 2 to 3 times the amount of equipment compared to purchasing new.

CIO magazine recently cited the growing acceptance and usage of secondary IT products as one of the most important business trends today. According to a recent article in CIO, "Good Stuff Cheap," of 187 executives surveyed, "77 percent are purchasing secondary market equipment and 46 percent expect to increase their spending on used machines next year. The savings from buying used can amount to 25 percent of operational costs."

Paragon buys and sells a wide range of high-quality, used technology equipment. Let Paragon help your organization improve profitability and save money without sacrificing quality. All of our products are priced at 30% to 85% off manufacturer list prices, with warranties for all product sets. Contact us today for incredible discounts on high-quality, used technology equipment.